Build the Best Easter Basket for Toddlers

Activities, Giveaway

Our master basket-makers at the pediped® headquarters are here with the 101 on building the best Easter basket for toddlers (and adults, too)! Find our foolproof steps to building Pinterest-worthy DIY Easter baskets! To start, it helps to think about WHO your basket is for…your little ones, friends, family or neighbors? This will help determine […]

March 11, 2021


Activities, Announcements, Giveaway

GIVEAWAY NOW CLOSED-  We adore all of you, and absolutely loved seeing the precious pictures and messages being sent on facebook. We’ve picked two winners- Congrats to Marian Cheska Monarty, and Jenicia S. Beckstrand. Keep your eye out for a private message. Have a very Happy Mother’s Day from us here at pediped®!! In honor […]

May 6, 2019